Camino Man

A limited podcast series of one man's adventure walking the Camino del Norte in northern Spain. Soundtrack features "Confidence is Key" by Arthur Benson

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Thursday Feb 06, 2020

Having reached Santiago de Compostela, Camino Man continues on his own to Finisterre to complete his journey, but then returns to Santiago to say farewell.

Thursday Feb 06, 2020

In the second half of “Walking with Malin” our intrepid Camino Man and his Norwegian compadre walk some crazy distances and share some more memorable moments to get to the finish line.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020

Camino Man meets Malin, a young Norwegian woman, who inspires him by sharing an intimate story as they walk the Camino.

Episode 4: Looking for Alain

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020

How do you catch up to someone on the Camino who has a full day’s head start? And how do you apologise when you’ve made a mistake?

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020

Every night on the Camino is a new town and a new place to stay and someone new to meet who just might change your life.

Episode 2: The road to Bilbao

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

Getting on the road, Camino Man meets some interesting people including one German man who agrees to let our man live in his basement.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

Why would you want to walk 900km anyway? In this episode, Camino Man recounts the reasons why he decided to walk the Camino and how he arrived in Spain to start his adventure.


Monday Feb 03, 2020

Monday Feb 03, 2020

Single, terminated, physically assaulted and doubting everything in his life, Camino Man sets off on the adventure of a lifetime – walking the Camino del Norte.

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